The Tuesday afternoon ‘Connect with the Bible’ will start again on 17th September at 2pm. The group will be looking at 1 Corinthians – a study from the Scottish Bible Society. All welcome.
Please sign up after church if you would like to attend, speak to Evelyn Matthews or email
Category: Notices
The Community Hub will move to Lime Street Sheltered Housing Complex from 19th September as we look to engage the wider community. It will be open to everyone.
A cuppa and a chat from 1-2pm and from 2 – 2.15pm there will be a (optional) short time of prayer and reflection.
Please come along and feel free to invite friends.
On Sunday 25th August the Kirk Sessions of the five churches of the proposed united congregation of Dundee:Westgait voted on a Basis of Union and a Basis of Team Ministry. All five Kirk Sessions voted in favour of both.
The congregations of the five churches will be given the opportunity to vote on the same documents on Sunday 15th September.
If you are eligible to vote you should have received a copy of both proposals and details of how the vote will work, or you will receive them in the next few days.
You must be present on the day to vote – there can be no proxy votes.
On Sunday 9th June we welcomed four new elders to our Kirk Session. Gary, Lesley, and Rodger having been elders in previous congregations were admitted and Florence was ordained.
The following message was read out and handed out in church on Sunday 9th June, it has also been sent to everyone on our mailing list.
Message to congregations
As you probably know we have been working towards a Presbytery Mission Plan, bringing together congregations in the Western part of Dundee.
A joint meeting of Kirk Sessions in this Grouping took place on Wednesday 5th June 2024, when a vote was taken on a name for the proposed united congregation.
The result was that the name will be Dundee: Westgait (Church of Scotland). We are moving towards having three physical centres for worship, mission and ministry, which will each have a name to reflection their location, eg Lochee.
The Governance group are now finalising the documents which will form the basis for a united charge.
The proposed timeline for voting on those documents is as follows:
– Sunday 25th August – all Kirk Sessions will hold independent votes
If the documents are accepted by the Kirk Sessions, these will then be sent out to everyone who is on the member or adherents list, and informing them of the congregational vote and where it will take place (if their church is now closed).
– Sunday 15th September – a vote will be held for members and adherents, this has to be voting in person, not by post or proxy.
If the documents are accepted by members and adherents, the Governance group and Presbytery will then work towards the union starting on or around 1st January 2025, the actual date is dependent on the Charity Regulator, OSCR.
As stated these dates are provisional and we will keep you informed if anything changes.
The Western Grouping Governance group
Our monthly prayer time is moving to the first Sunday each month, starting Sunday 7th April. Everyone is welcome to join us from 6.30pm in the Session Room (turn right when you enter from the Shaftesbury Terrace door, then first left in the corridor).
Sit, listen, reflect, pray, contribute – whatever is comfortable for you.
The following message was read out and handed out in church on Sunday 31st March, it has also been sent to everyone on our mailing list. Our next newsletter will be issued for Sunday 14th April.
Message to congregations
As you may know, we have been working towards a Presbytery Mission Plan, bringing together the six congregations in the Western part of Dundee. These are Lochee, Camperdown, Menzieshill, Balgay, Dundee West and Logie & St John’s (Cross).
Five working groups were established to enable the work of moving forward, whilst ensuring that the good work already taking place is not lost in this transition. The working groups are, Governance, Mission and Vision, pastoral care, spirituality and worship, and discipleship.
The Governance Group are now in the process of drafting a Basis of Union document, which will ultimately bring the congregations together into a united charge.
This group wanted to share this reminder and update with all congregations.
On Saturday 2nd March there was a very positive meeting of all the Kirk Sessions with Presbytery representatives.
There are many aspects of the proposed union which are still being discussed. The only things which are decided are those which were in the Presbytery Mission Plan document – the closure and sale of the Camperdown and Balgay buildings, and the fact that the buildings at Lochee and Menzieshill would remain open.
There will be a third place for Mission, Ministry and Worship in the Sinderins area – survey work is underway at Dundee West and Logie & St John’s (Cross) to help the process of coming to a decision. Can we stress that currently nothing has been decided about the future of either of these buildings.
Also currently under discussion, and not decided are:
- A name for the new Congregation – buildings may retain their current names, but the union needs a new name.
- The staffing team – ministers and lay staff.
- The full list of buildings – churches and manses.
- A timeline for voting on the Basis of Union – which comprises a vote by each Kirk Session, followed by a vote by congregations.
- The planned date on which this would take effect.
In summary, we are all working more closely together, there are many things still to be decided and work is underway to address these.
We will share further updates with you when we have them – in the meantime, please speak to your minister or Session Clerk if you have any questions.
Rev Bob Mallinson
On behalf of the Western grouping Governance Group
Palm Sunday service – Sunday 24th March 11am
In the church sanctuary
Maundy Thursday – 28th March 7:30pm
Communion service in the church sanctuary
Good Friday walk of witness – 29th March 10.30am
Starting at St Mary’s Church Lochee with reflective stops on the way to Lochee Parish Church (followed by refreshments)
Easter Sunday – 31st March 8am
Early morning service at the bandstand on Magdalen Green, followed by refreshments at Dundee West Church
Easter Sunday – 31st March 11am – Morning Worship
Celebrate the Risen Lord with us in our church sanctuary
Events and services during December 2023 – everyone is welcome to join us.
Sunday 3rd December: 11am, service of worship in the church sanctuary
Sunday 3rd December: 2.30pm, church hall. A joint Western Group carol service for everyone but especially those who are unable to get out on a Sunday morning. Carols, refreshments and some Christmas treats.
Saturday 9th December, evening, family Ceilidh. £10 for adult tickets, under 16s are free, live music and stovies. Contact us if you’d like a ticket –
Sunday 10th December: 11am, service of worship in the church sanctuary
Sunday 17th December: 11am, Carol Service in the church sanctuary, featuring our ad hoc choir and Dundee Community Youth Orchestra
Sunday 17th December: 6:30pm, church hall, a reflective gathering for those who have experienced loss
Sunday 24th December, Christmas Eve, 11am: all-age service of worship in the church sanctuary
Sunday 24th December, Christmas Eve: 11.30pm – Watchnight Service in the church sanctuary
Monday 25th December, Christmas Day: 10.30am – all-age service of worship in the church hall
Sunday 31st December, Hogmany, 11am: service of worship at Lochee Parish Church
Dancing, stovies and refreshments included (alcohol-free event).
Limited number of tickets available – £10 each for adults (under 16s free), please contact us if you would like to buy tickets
All welcome – wear some tartan if you like!