We have just finished our Bible Study series on John’s gospel, with up to 15 people taking part each week. The leaders have included John & Frances Dent, David Mcleod, Ramanee Bengough & Alistair Montgomery.
We have all learnt a lot from this study, and if you would like a quick summary of John’s gospel (takes less then 20 minutes), why not view these two videos from BibleProject – a nonprofit animation studio that produces short-form, fully animated videos, which they have created to help people everywhere experience the unified story of the Bible.
Have you ever wondered what our online Bible Study sessions are like? Take a look at this short clip, and you’ll get an idea.
We read some of the Bible, in short sections, discuss questions (which you get in advance) and learn from each other. No one is an expert, and everyone’s answers and ideas are welcomed.
If you want to know, why not speak to someone you recognise in this picture.
Our next series will look at “The First Days of Jesus”, comparing accounts from Matthew, Luke & John. We start on Tuesday 1st December for three weeks. You can join with the same Zoom details as before.
Contact us on administrator@logies.org and we will send these to you.