Introductory music
Extract from Der Nussbaum by Schumann
Welcome to our time of worship, which is led by Rev Anita Kerr.
Thank you for joining us. Most of our videos have subtitles, which you can switch on / off. On a computer you may have a option “CC” to choose subtitles in English. On phone or tablet, you may need to choose subtitles from a settings menu.
Psalm 91
Read by Ramanee Bengough
Our opening hymn is “The Lord’s my Shepherd”, from BBC Songs of Praise recorded in St John the Baptist Church, Tideswell.
Bible Readings
Please listen to our Bible readings, which include subtitles.
Matthew chapter 13, verses 31-33 and 44-52 read by Hazel Bengough
Romans 8: 26-39 read by Glyn Bengough
by Rev Anita Kerr, which has subtitles.
Let us respond by singing together, “How deep the Father’s love for us”, the words will appear on screen as the hymn plays.
Let us pray …
Lord Jesus Christ,
Words cannot express
how thankful we are that You consider us to be Your children;
Your treasure, Your pearl beyond all price.
Words cannot express
how grateful we are that nothing:
Angels, demons, death, life…
nothing can separate us from Your love!
Accept, O Lord,
our gifts of our time, talent and treasure.
However great or however small,
May they and may we be used to grow Your kingdom.
May our mustard seeds grow into bushes.
Lord, we pray this day for all who are yet to hear this news.
May You continue to sustain all who seek to make You known across our world.
Be with missionaries, Bible translators, children and family workers,
chaplains, ministers, preachers and pastors.
Be in conversations, Bible studies, Alpha courses,
Christianity Explored and Emmaus courses.
Be in high churches, café churches,
messy churches, house groups and cathedrals.
Be in all that opens people’s eyes to You,
Your love and Your call.
God of love and compassion,
We pray for all who seek to make a difference in the lives of others.
Be with carers and counsellors, medics and mediators,
Be with those with listening ears and those with caring hands,
Be in all that opens people’s eyes to You,
Your love and Your call.
God of justice and peace,
We pray for all who seek to challenge injustices and stand up for what is right.
Be with the politician and the protester,
The activist and the pacifist,
The vocal and the silent.
Be in all that opens people’s eyes to You,
Your love and Your call.
Hear us and help us to see You this day, we pray.
Let us say together …
Our Father, who art in heaven
hallowed be thy name,
thy kingdom come, thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our debts
as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory,
Our final hymn is “Great is Thy Faithfulness”, recorded for BBC Songs of Praise at Mont Saint-Michel in France.
We normally say the words of the Grace to each other. We say them now to whoever is with us, and to everyone we have thought about during this time of worship.
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, now and evermore. Amen.
Do not stand at my grave and weep
Back in March, the University of Dundee choir and orchestra were preparing for a concert, including the Requiem “Eternal Light” by Howard Goodall. Like many others, the concert was cancelled, but members of the choir have recorded this item remotely.
With the choir singing “Lacrymosa dies illa”
the soloist sings
“Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there, I do not sleep
I am a thousand winds that blow
I am the softly falling snow
I am the gentle show’rs of rain
I am the fields of ripening grain
I am in the morning hush
I am in the graceful rush of far-off birds in circling flight
I am the starshine of the night
I am in ev’ry flower that blooms
I am in still and empty rooms
I am the child that yearns to sing
I am in each lovely thing
Do not stand at my grave and cry
I am not there
I did not die”
Final music
Sine Nomine by Ralph Vaughan Williams played on our church organ
If you are interested in using Zoom to have an “after church coffee & chat” with other members of the church family, in future weeks, please contact
With thanks to Rev Anita Kerr, Glyn & Ramanee Bengough, Ed Muirhead, Bill Mclean and Hazel Bengough.