Introductory Music
Welcome to our online worship today, lead by Rev Marc Prowe. Marc and Ramanee Bengough introduce our service, and we sing “As we are gathered, Jesus is here”, and “Lord of life, we come to you”.
For the young
Marc tells the story of healing the lepers, and we sing “God has made laughter”.
Here’s the link Marc mentions.
Song and reading
We sing “Oh come, and let us to the Lord, in songs our voices raise”, Beth McNicol reads from Luke 12 verses 22-34, and we meet Katrine.
Marc speaks to us, and we sing “Kum ba yah” with the Mathiesons.
Frances Dent leads us in prayer.
We sing “Every new morning”, and “May the God of peace go with us”. Our final music comes from piper, Luke.
With thanks to Rev Marc Prowe, the Mathieson family, Luke our piper, Ramanee Bengough, Beth McNicol, Frances Dent, Ed Muirhead, Hazel Bengough.
Please join us for Zoom coffee after today’s service.
Our next Tuesday Bible Study series starts (online) on Tuesday 2nd February. It’s an eight-week series from the Bible Society, called The Bible Course. All welcome.
Contact if you need the access details to any of our Zoom sessions.