
Worship for Sunday 21/2/2021

God never forgets about God’s people

Introductory Music

Canon in D by Pachelbel played by Hazel Bengough


Rev Catriona Morrison & Rev Marc Prowe lead our service of worship this morning, where they look at the parallels between Noah and our current situation, remembering that God never forgets God’s people.

Readings are taken from Genesis chapters 7, 8 and 9, and Isaiah chapter 35.

Follow along with the videos below – these have subtitles/captions available (using the CC option or under the three dots).

Shutting doors

We read Genesis chapter 7 verse 16b to chapter 8 verse 1a, and sing together “Sing of the Lord’s Goodness”.

Noah on the ark

Catriona draws parallels between Noah and ourselves at this time, and the children tells us about the animals in the ark. We sing “Who put the colours in the rainbow?”

God had not forgotten Noah

Our community reads what might have been a prayer by Noah, with echoes of our situation, we hear a worship song in the form of a sea shanty, and Marc helps us to remember that God had not forgotten Noah.

You can download the activity sheet Marc uses – then share a photo with us when you have coloured it in.

Christ be our Light

Helen Mahood reads Isaiah chapter 35 verses 1-10, and we use the song “Longing for light” as a prayer. Marc and Catriona read from Genesis chapters 7 and 8, and Catriona reminds us that Noah and his family did get out eventually. We sing “Eternal Father strong to save”, for those in peril on the sea of this pandemic.

God’s promise to us

Marc shows us how to make a rainbow to remind us of God’s promise. We hear from Genesis chapter 9 verses 8-17, and we sing “Sing for God’s glory”.

Closing music

Laudate Dominum by Parry, played by Bill Mclean on our church organ.


With thanks to Rev Catriona Morrison, Rev Marc Prowe, Helen Mahood, Ed Muirhead, Bill Mclean, Hazel Bengough, and all our other contributors.

Please join us for Zoom coffee after today’s service.